ACAP Ashton Churches Asylum Project
St Thomas’ and St Luke’s work alongside several other local churches to support asylum seekers and refugees who are based in our town. This ministry is an important way in which we can show God’s love to people who have had to leave their homes and face very tough situations. Our ministry to support asylums seekers includes:
- Language classes. On Thursday afternoons at 2:30 pm we provide weekly English classes for those who want to come along and improve their English language skills. The classes take place in St Thomas’ church hall.
- Social. At 1 pm on Sundays, we provide a drop-in for those who want to come along for a drink and a chat or to play games. These socials take place in St Thomas’ church hall.
- Discipleship Group. There is a WhatsApp Group where Farsi speaking Christians can encourage each other in their faith and pray for each other. There is also a bible study in Farsi on a Friday morning, details of which are shared on WhatsApp. Please contact Sue Thomas (07877704645) to be added into this group. Each third Sunday of the month there is a service in St Thomas in Farsi at 4pm.
- Compass meets at Emma and Antony Billington’s home each Monday from 3pm until 5pm. Come for a drink and a chat or to use the wi-fi. We are happy to help with making phone calls, writing letters and emails, and sorting any problems online. If you would like to attend and don’t know the address then please contact Emma on 07922 091896.
There is lots of useful information available for refugees and asylum seekers on the Find Your Welcome web site.
The Church Urban Fund has provided generous financial support for this work and their support is gratefully acknowledged. Several local groups kindly provide food which we donate to our asylum seekers.
If you would like to know more about this ministry or to support it then please contact Anne or Chris Wooff on 01942 724207. You can also contact us by email: .
Financial support of our work to support asylum seekers and refugees is warmly welcomed and you can donate online.
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