Maintaining and regularly improving our church building as a great location for Christians to meet and worship has a significant financial cost. In addition, there are costs associated with much of our outreach. We can only continue to do what we do through the generous support of our church members and friends. This page provides information on how you can help us financially.
Regular Donations
We encourage everyone who is kind enough to make a regular donation to our general church funds to make use of the Parish Giving Scheme. This ensures that every penny donated goes directly into our church funds together with the Gift Aid, if eligible.
Online Donations
We can accept online donations via a debit or credit card. You can donate to general church funds or to one of our ministries using the following links:
Donation by Cheque
If you prefer to send us a donation by cheque then please make it payable to St Thomas’ Church and send it to:
St Thomas’ Church Treasurer
c/o The Vicarage
18 Warrington Road
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer then you can easily increase the value of any donation you make to our church by allowing us to collect the gift aid on your donation. If you use the Parish Giving Scheme or donate Online then we can collect the gift aid automatically. However, if you are donating by cheque or with cash then if possible please complete a gift aid declaration.
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