Fit for the Future Update
After a long wait, the refurbishment of our church building, in accordance with our Fit for the Future programme, has begun.
The slowly rotting and decaying wooden floors will be replaced with an entirely new concrete floor which will incorporate a new under floor heating system. This will replace the very elderly boilers and radiators which are well past their best and ensure we provide a much warmer, energy efficient building. The work to the floor is necessary and brings with it the necessity to remove the pews and choir stalls. The proposals also include the replacement of the sound system with an up to date audio-visual system incorporating all the very latest technology. The work is scheduled to be completed by June, during which time we will be meeting for our services in the church hall.
We apologise to you all in advance for any inconvenience which may be caused whilst the work is being undertaken. However when this has been completed we will be handing down to our successors a building of which we can be as proud as our Victorian predecessors were proud of the new church consecrated in 1893 and which is loved by us all. We have an obligation not only to ourselves but also to those Christians who follow Jesus in our footsteps.